Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Building PageBuilder Pages > Wireframes, Dropzones, and Widgets

Wireframes, Dropzones, and Widgets

PageBuilder requires developers to create a wireframe template. This wireframe is the basic architecture for a Web page. As developers build wireframes, they add dropzone user controls where non-technical users need to insert the content, design, and messaging of the site. These zones are literally the areas into which someone can “drop” a widget.

Widgets are mini-applications that can provide either specific functionality (calculators, search, and social bars, etc) or areas into which you can add Ektron CMS400.NET content (content blocks, list summaries, collections, etc.). It is simple for developers to apply classes to these pages. Developers can also manage the level of control non-technical users have. For example, a developer can configure hard limits for the width of dropzones.

After a wireframe is created, an administrator assigns it to a folder, creates a page, and selects the widgets that will be available to place on that page.


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Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

Ektron Documentation,© 2011 Ektron, Inc.